Digital technology is the most recent category of technological advancement in the dental field. It allows dentists to provide faster, better quality care for patients. Here are some examples of digital technology at work in many dental practices across the nation.
Digital X-Rays
Digital technology in X-Ray imaging makes it possible to create images with significantly less exposure to radiation for the patient. There is also a greater level of patient comfort and diagnostic accuracy that comes from the ability to enlarge the images on a computer screen.
Intra-Oral Camera
For clearer images of a patient’s teeth, the intra-oral camera allows the dentist to identify tooth defects and to show the patient the reason that a procedure is needed. It can also help the patient to see areas where better oral hygiene may be necessary.
TekScan (T-Scan)
The dentist can analyze a patient’s bite alignment using a TekScan device that consists of a computer and an ultra-thin sensor.
Digital Technology Improves the Patient’s Experience
Advancements in dental technology have greatly improved the patient’s experience in a variety of ways, such as:
Higher Quality Care
The biggest benefit that digital technology brings to patients is a higher level of care. Faster diagnostics prevents dental problems from getting worse before they are treated. Dentists can correct problems in more effective, lasting ways so that further treatment is not needed.
Greater Comfort
Patient comfort is another major benefit of digital technology in dentistry. Many procedures are more comfortable and less painful for patients, such as impressions, X-Rays, oral surgery, and even administration of anesthesia.
With the help of digital technology, procedures that once took hours longer and multiple visits can be completed in a shorter time period and possibly a single visit. The patient saves time, misses less work or school, and avoids additional trips to the dentist’s office.
Digital Technology is Revolutionizing the Patient Experience at Fairfield Cosmetic Dentistry
The patient is always top priority at Fairfield Cosmetic Dentistry, and the use of digital technology is a large part of patient care. We use the latest digital technology to prepare for and perform procedures. Patients benefit from the convenience and comfort of our services.
Call (203) 255-6878 today to make an appointment or request an appointment and someone will contact you.